Here's a basic example of how to use Python Tkinter

 Here's a basic example of how to use Python Tkinter to create a simple GUI application with a label and a button:

import tkinter as tk

# Create the main window
window = tk.Tk()

# Set the title of the window
window.title("Sample Tkinter App")

# Create a label widget
label = tk.Label(window, text="Hello, Tkinter!")
label.pack()  # Pack the label widget into the window

# Define a function to handle button click
def click_me():
  label.config(text="Button clicked!")  # Change the label text

# Create a button widget
button = tk.Button(window, text="Click Me", command=click_me)
button.pack()  # Pack the button widget into the window

# Run the main loop to keep the window open


  1. We import tkinter as tk for easier use.
  2. We create the main application window using tk.Tk().
  3. We set the title of the window using the title() method.
  4. We create a label widget using tk.Label() with some text.
  5. We use the pack() method to arrange the label widget inside the window. There are other layout managers available in Tkinter like grid and place.
  6. We define a function click_me() that changes the label text when the button is clicked.
  7. We create a button widget using tk.Button(), specifying the text and the function to call (command) when clicked.
  8. We again use pack() to arrange the button widget.
  9. Finally, we call window.mainloop() to run the main application loop and keep the window displayed until closed by the user.

This is a very basic example, but it demonstrates the core concepts of creating widgets, arranging them in the window, and handling user interactions with Tkinter. You can explore further to create more complex and interactive GUIs using various widgets and functionalities offered by Tkinter.




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