Python | Menu widget in Tkinter

Tkinter is Python’s standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package. It is one of the most commonly used package for GUI applications which comes with the Python itself.
Menus are the important part of any GUI. A common use of menus is to provide convenient access to various operations such as saving or opening a file, quitting a program, or manipulating data. Toplevel menus are displayed just under the title bar of the root or any other toplevel windows.

# importing only  those functions  
# which are needed 
from tkinter import * 
from tkinter.ttk import * 
from time import strftime 
# creating tkinter window 
root = Tk() 
root.title('Menu Demonstration') 
# Creating Menubar 
menubar = Menu(root) 
# Adding File Menu and commands 
file = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) 
menubar.add_cascade(label ='File', menu = file) 
file.add_command(label ='New File', command = None) 
file.add_command(label ='Open...', command = None) 
file.add_command(label ='Save', command = None) 
file.add_command(label ='Exit', command = root.destroy) 
# Adding Edit Menu and commands 
edit = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) 
menubar.add_cascade(label ='Edit', menu = edit) 
edit.add_command(label ='Cut', command = None) 
edit.add_command(label ='Copy', command = None) 
edit.add_command(label ='Paste', command = None) 
edit.add_command(label ='Select All', command = None) 
edit.add_command(label ='Find...', command = None) 
edit.add_command(label ='Find again', command = None) 
# Adding Help Menu 
help_ = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) 
menubar.add_cascade(label ='Help', menu = help_) 
help_.add_command(label ='Tk Help', command = None) 
help_.add_command(label ='Demo', command = None) 
help_.add_command(label ='About Tk', command = None) 
# display Menu 
root.config(menu = menubar) 




global 変数・ローカル変数